The Queen & I Property
Welcome to the Queen & I, a 28 acre homestead. We have 23 acres of woods and prairie, a quarter acre garden, chicken and guinea flock, green space, out buildings and 1873 Italianate home we love and are excited to share with you. We hope you feel at home as soon as you turn into the driveway.

From the time you arrive at the front door, we hope you feel at home!

Front hallway with staircase to upstairs rooms or find yourself enjoying a meal in the dining room.

Dining room set up for a Holiday Party.

Our beautiful kitchen.

Relax in our family room

Enjoy the landing at the top of the stairs.

Holiday Cheer at the Queen & I.

The Queen & I's furnishings are family heirlooms from both the Queen & I's families

Honoring our Indiana Heritage with a 1920's hand sown state flag.

A current view of the Queen & I property.

Queen & I in the 1970's before the barn came down.

View of the backyard from the 34 foot rooftop.

A view of the Queen & I Garden.

Welcome to your getaway

Variety of eggs from our resident free ranging chickens.

A sampling of produce from the Queen & I garden.

Fresh tomatoes from the garden in a salad

Making our own smoked chili peppers with produce from the garden.

Soup and salad served for a luncheon event

Different flowers are in bloom throughout the spring, summer, and fall months at the Queen & I.

Chickens enjoying the yard.

Always trying to grow new produce in the garden

Turkeys enjoy roaming around the Queen & I grounds